Hand Peeling
$1.50 per foot 3.5" and below
$2.00 per foot 4" - 7"
$4.00 per foot 8" - 12"
$6.00 per foot 14" - and above
$50.00 set up fee
.50 per foot 2" - 4"
.75 per foot 5" - 6"
$1.00 per foot 7" - 8"
$2.00 per foot 9" and above

Drilled Holes
$1.00 for each additional hole

$50.00 set up fee
$2.00 per foot up to 7"
$4.00 per foot 8" and above

Dowelled Ends
Custom Lengths of three foot up to 10' are available in small quantities
$1.00 for each additional end

Saddle Notches
$4.00 each 4" and below
$9.00 each 5" - 7"
$25.00 each 8" - 9"
$40.00 each 10" and above