Cedar Split Rail Fence is a highly versatile fencing option for your property. You get a natural look with the benefit of naturally occurring resistance of cedar to pests and the elements. Available in two rails 5’4” tall and three rails 6’6” tall posts and 8’ and 10’ length rails. Also referred to as split log fence and split post fence, purchasing split rail fencing from North Idaho Post & Pole will save you time and money. Click or call today to learn how!
Advantages of Split Cedar Fence:
Cedar split rail fence is one of the most cost-effective styles for defining boundaries and decorating property. A split post and rail fence is easy to install and makes a perfect do-it-yourself project. Posts are typically set directly in the ground approximately 24” deep without any concrete. A tamping bar is used to compact the dirt around the post while backfilling, gravel can also be used to backfill, which increases drainage.
Features of a Split Log Fence:
- Our Hand-Split Rail and Posts are made from strong and durable cedar
- Mortise and Tenon designed rails allow for simple installation
- Great border fence that won’t block view around the yard
- We offer End, Line, and Corner posts
Nothing matches the look of a cedar split rail fence, you can increase property value with ease of installation. You can interchange end, line, corner posts to customize for your property needs.
Split Rail Fence and Split Rail Posts are a stock item and can be ordered and picked up the same day. Call today to get a free quote for your split-rail cedar fence.